

EXERCISE - A Solve each of the following linear programming problems by graphical method: 1) Maximize Z= 5x+ 3y Subject to:  3x+ 5y≤ 15 ;  5x+ 2y≤ 10 ;  x, y ≥ 0.     20/19, 45/19, 235/19 2) Maximize Z= 9x+ 3y Subject to: 2x+ 3y≤ 13 ; 3x+ y≤ 5 ; x, y ≥ 0.      2/7, 29/7, 15 or 5/3,0,15 3)  Minimize Z= 18x+ 10y Subject to: 4 x+ y≥ 20 ; 2 x+ 3y≥ 30 ;  x, y ≥ 0.      3,  8, 134 4)  Maximize Z= 50x+ 30y Subject to: 2 x+ y≤ 18 ; 3 x+ 2y≤ 34 ;  x, y ≥ 0.      10,2,560 5)  Maximize Z= 4x+ 3y Subject to:  3x+ 4y≤ 24 ; 8 x+ 6y≤ 48;  x≤ 5; y ≤ 6; x,y≥ 0.      24/7, 27/7, 24 or 5,4/3,24 6)  Maximize Z= 15x+ 10y Subject to:  3x+ 2y≤ 80 ; 2 x+ 3y≤ 70 ;  x, y ≥ 0.    N  80/3, 0, 400 or 20,10,400 7)  Maximize Z= 10x+ 6y Subject to:  3x+ y≤ 12 ; 2 x+ 5y≤ 34 ;  x, y ≥ 0.      1,6,56 8)  Maximize Z= 3x+ 4y Subject to: 2 x+ 2y≤ 80 ; 2 x+ 4y≤ 120 ;  x, y ≥ 0.         20, 20, 140 9)  Maximize Z= 7x+ 10y Subject to:  x+ y≤ 30000 ;  y≤ 12000; x≥ 6000; x≥ y ;  x, y ≥ 0.       18000, 12000, 246000 10)  Minimiz


EXERCISE - A 1) The Simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 5% p.a is Rs1200. Find the amount due and the compound interest on this sum of money at the same rate after 3 years, intrest is reckoned annually.      Rs9261  2) A sum of Rs9600 is invested for 3 years at 10% p.a for compound interest: a) What is the sum due at the end of the first year ?  Rs 10560 b) What is the sum due at the end of the second year ?    11616 c) Find the compound interest earned in 2 years.    Rs2016 d) Find the difference between the answer in (b) and  (a) and find the interest on this sum for 1 year.       Rs105.60 e) Hence , write down the compound interest for the third year .    Rs1161.60 3) The compound interest on a certain sum of money at 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs246. Calculate the simple interest on the sum for 3 years at 6% p.a.    Rs432 4) What sum of money will amount to Rs3630 in two years at 10%p.a. compound interest ?   Rs3600 5) On a certain sum of money, the difference


1) In the adjoining figure, ABC is a right angled triangle right angled at B, AB= 24cm and BC= 7cm. Using the figure answer the questions  a) The value of sinA is i) 7/24 b) 7/25 c) 25/7 c) 24/25 b) The value of secA is i) 7/24 b) 25/24 c) 24/7 c) 25/7 c) The value of tanC is i) 7/24 b) 7/25 c) 24/25 c) 24/7 d) The value of cosecC is  i) 7/24 b) 25/24 c) 25/7 c) 24/25 e) The value of tanA+ cotC is i) 7/12 b) 12/7 c) 14/25 c) 25/12 f) The value of 2 cosA - sinC is i) 25/24 b) 24/25 c) 41/25 c) 49/25 2) In the figure, the value of sinB cosC + sinC cosB is a) 0 b) 1 c) 5/3 d) 2 3) In the adjoining figure, the value of cosθ a) 12/13 b) 13/12 c) 5/12 d) 5/13 ) CosA= 4/5, then the value of tanA is  a) 3/5 b) 3/4 c) 4/3 d) 5/3 ) If sinA= 1/2, then the value of cotA is  a) √3 b) 1/√3 c) √3/2 d) 1 ) If cosec A= 13/12, then the value of tanA is  a) 12/5 b) 5/12 c) 5/13 d) 5/12 ) If tanA= x/y, then the value of cosA is  a) x/√(x²+ y²) b) y/√(x²+ y²) c) (x²- y²)


MATRICES  1) If A= 1    3 & B= 1    -1               0    1          0     1 with relation AX = B, then find X 2) A= 1  2  3 B= 1  0  2  C= 4   4  10           -1 -3 2       3  4  5       4   2  14 with the relation 2A+ kB = C, then find k. 3) If A= 4     2               1     1 find (A- 2I)(A - 3I), where I is a unit matrix. 4) Solve: a) 5x -12y = -9; 7x - 6y = -8. b) 2x + 3y - 4z = 1, 3x -y +2z = -2, 5 x -9y +14z =3. c)  x -2y +3z = 6, x + 4y + z = 12, x -3y + 2z =1. d)  x -2y - 3z = 4, 2x +y -3z = 5, - x +y +2z =3. e)  5) Construct a 3x4 matrix whose elements are aᵢⱼ= i + j. 6) If x+ y    y - z = 3    -1         z -2x   y- x     1     1 then find x, y, z 7) If A= 3    1               7    5, find Matrix x and y so that A²+ xI = yA. Hence find A⁻¹. 8) If A= 1 & B= 3    1    -2               5               7 Verify (AB)'= B'A'. 9) Find the inverse of a      b                                       c      d given that ad - bc ≠ 0. 10) If A= 1     1                  


Time allowed maximum marks 80 general instructor attend talk questions from section a and any four questions from section b whole working including must be clearly soon and must be done Babu commissioner of essential working result in los and Mars they intended marks for question or parts of question will give in brackets mathematical tables Aggarwal paper provided 6 and a 40 marks and 12 question from this question choose the correct answer to the question from the given option do not copy the question write the correct answers only 20 X 204 y8 the value of x and y respectively if x - 2 is a factor of then the value of K3 2 - 2 3 in the given diagram RT is a tangent touching the circle at s t 30 aspq 60ps = 40 3699 a letter is choose in a Trivandrum from all the letters of the English alphabet the probability that the left choose in a barrel is 426 500 24 + 3 then please request to 435 to in the given figure 5:3:53 223 the printed price of an article is 3080 is the rate of GST 10% the


Choose the Correct Option  1) The interest on Rs483 for 2 years at 5% per annum is a) Rs4830 b) Rs48,30 c) Rs4.83 d) Rs96.60 2) The simple interest on Rs8490 at 5% and 73 days is a) Rs849  b) Rs84.90  c) Rs8.49  d) none 3) A sum of money, put at simple interest doubles itself in 8 years. The same sum will triple itself in a) 16 years  b) 12 years c) 24 years d) 18 years  4) Rs5000 earns Rs 500 as simple interest in 2 years. Then the rate of interest is  a) 10% b) 5% c) 20% d) 2% 5) Rs7000 earns Rs1400 as interest at 5% per annum. Then the time in this case is  a) 5 years  b) 2 years c) 10 years d) 4 years  6) Rs5000 is put in a bank at 5% simple interest. The amount at the end of 2 years will be a) Rs 250 b) Rs500 c) Rs5500 d) Rs4500  7) A sum of money triples itself in 20 years. The rate of interest is  a) 20% b) 10%  c) 5%  d) 15%  8) A sum of money earns simple interest equal to 0.5 times the sum in 10 years, the rate of interest per annum is  a) 20% b) 10%  c) 5%  d) none 9) A sum


1) On What sum of money, the difference between the simple interest and compound interest in 2 years at 5% per annum is Rs15 ? 2) A certain sum of money invested at 5% intrest, compounded annually, for 3 years. If  the interest computes to Rs2522, determine the principal. 3) In how many years will a sum of Rs800 at 10% per annum compounded semi-annually become Rs926.10 ? 4) Suraj has a fixed deposit in Bank of India of Rs40000 for a period of 3 years. The bank allows a compound interest of 13% compounded half yearly. Find the maturity value. 5) Sita deposit Rs400 per month in a bank in recurring deposit. On maturity she gets Rs97854.40. Find the period of which she had deposited . 6) Which is the better investment 8% Rs100 shares at Rs 20 premium or 6% Rs100 shares at 20 discount? 7) A company declares a semi-annual dividend of 5%. Sanjay owns 25 shares of par value Rs12.50 each . How much annual dividend must he receive ? 8) A company having a capital stock of Rs 450000 declares a div