Choose the Correct Option 

1) The interest on Rs483 for 2 years at 5% per annum is
a) Rs4830 b) Rs48,30 c) Rs4.83 d) Rs96.60

2) The simple interest on Rs8490 at 5% and 73 days is
a) Rs849  b) Rs84.90  c) Rs8.49  d) none

3) A sum of money, put at simple interest doubles itself in 8 years. The same sum will triple itself in
a) 16 years  b) 12 years c) 24 years d) 18 years 

4) Rs5000 earns Rs 500 as simple interest in 2 years. Then the rate of interest is 
a) 10% b) 5% c) 20% d) 2%

5) Rs7000 earns Rs1400 as interest at 5% per annum. Then the time in this case is 
a) 5 years  b) 2 years c) 10 years d) 4 years 

6) Rs5000 is put in a bank at 5% simple interest. The amount at the end of 2 years will be
a) Rs 250 b) Rs500 c) Rs5500 d) Rs4500 

7) A sum of money triples itself in 20 years. The rate of interest is 
a) 20% b) 10%  c) 5%  d) 15% 

8) A sum of money earns simple interest equal to 0.5 times the sum in 10 years, the rate of interest per annum is 
a) 20% b) 10%  c) 5%  d) none

9) A sum of Rs600 put at 5% simple interest amounts to Rs720 in
a) 3 years  b) 4 years  c) 5 years  d) 6 years 

10) Manoj invested Rs8000 for 10 years at 10% per annum simple interest. The amount of the end of the two years will be 
a) Rs9600 b) Rs9800 c) Rs16000 d) none

11) If Rs3750 amounts to Rs4620 in 3 years at simple interest. Find :
a) the rate of interest.
b) the amount of Rs7500 in 11/2 years at the same rate of interest.

12) A sum of money, lent out at simple interest, doubles itself in 8 years. Find 
a) the rate of interest.
b) in how many years will the sum become triple of itself at the same rate percent.

13) Rs4000 amount to Rs5000 in 8 years, in what time will Rs2100 amount to Rs2800 at the same rate?

14) What sum of money lent at 6.5% per annum will produce the same intrest in 4 years as Rs7500 produce in 6 years at 5% per annum?

15) A certain sum amounta in Rs3825 in 4 years and to Rs4050 in 6 years. Find the rate percent and the sum.

16) At what rate percent of simple interest will the interest on Rs3750 be one-fifth of itself in 4 years ? What will it amount to in 15 years ?

17) On what date will Rs1950 lent on 5th January , 2011 amount to Rs2125.50 at 5% per annum simple interest?

18) If the intrest in Rs2400 is more than the interest on Rs2000 by Rs60 in 3 years at the same rate percent, find the rate.

19) Divide Rs15600 in to two parts such that the intrest on one at 5% for  5 years may be equal to that on the other at 9/2% for 6 years.

20) Simple interest on a certain sum is 16/25 of the sum. Find the rate of interest and time, if both numerically equal.

21) Divide Rs 9000 into two parts in such a way that simple interest on one part at 16% and in 2 years is equal to the simple interest on the other part at 6% per annum. and in 3 years.

1) Find the interest and the amount on :
a) Rs750 in 3 years 4 months at 10% per annum.

b) Rs 5000 at 8% per year from 23rd December 2011 to 29th July 2012.

c) Rs 2600 in 2 years 3 months at 1% per month.

d) Rs 4000 in 4/3 years at 2 paise per rupee per month.

2) Rohit borrowed Rs24000 at 7.5% percent per year. How much money will he pay at the end of 4 years to clear his debt.

3) On what principle will simple interest be Rs7008 in 6 years 3 months at 5% per year ?

4) Find the principal which will amount to Rs4000 in 4 years at 6.25% per annum.

5) a) At what rate percent per annum will Rs630 produce an interest of Rs 126 in 4 years.
b) At what rate percent per year will a sum double itself in 25/4 years.
c) Find the rates of interest per year, if the intrest charged for 8 months be 0.06 times of he money borrowed .

6) a) In how many years will Rs950 produce Rs399 as simple interest at 7%?
b) Find the time in which Rs1200 will amount to Rs1536 at 3.5% per year.

7) The simple interest on a certain sum of money is 3/8 of the sun in 25/4 years. Find the rate percent charged.

8) What sum of money borrowed on 24th May will amount to Rs10210.20 on 17th October of the same year at 5% per annum simple interest?

9) In what time will the interest on a certain sum of money at 6% be 5/8 of itself ?

10) Ashok lent out Rs7000 at 6% and Rs9500 at 5%. Find his total income from the interest in 3 years.

11)  Raj borrowed Rs8000, out of which Rs4500 at 5% and the remaining at 6%. Find the total interest paid by him in 4 years.


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